Skull and bones bush
Skull and bones bush

skull and bones bush

A wall covered with a bunch of license plates. My point was also to counterbalance the focus on the deep WASP voodoo, the overlay of exotic and occult rituals that initiates, future presidents, all had to undergo: the stories of the nude mud wrestling, the naked coffin sexual confessionals, the close encounters with guys from Greenwich and Locust Valley dressed up as skeletons–all the mumbo jumbo of crypto-Masonic homosocial (if not homoerotic) bonding rituals.Īnd so I pointed instead to the photographs the break-in team had shown me of “the Room with the License Plates of Many States,” as I dubbed it: “The kind of thing you’d expect to find in some second-tier midwestern frat house. I mean, even with the decline of the traditional WASP establishment, they stand a good chance of getting two initiates into the White House in a single decade.

skull and bones bush

My point was that the power of Skull and Bones was far from hidden–it was out there, in your face. In my previous Observer piece on Skull and Bones, I’d spoken of the “the Room with the License Plates of Many States.” I’d spoken of it in a kind of tongue-in-cheek way as a kind of corrective to all the grand conspiracy theories that have made the Tomb of Skull and Bones the epicenter of the Hidden Hand that secretly rules the world. But before we get to the question of stolen skulls, let me get to the story of the allegedly stolen license plates that I think helps put the grave-robbing charge against George W.’s society (and his grandfather) in context. She was taken inside and was not only given a tour but given the secrets, which she has now passed on to me. She’s a woman who was surreptitiously taken into the Tomb, contacted me, and her story is even more provocative because she was taken into the Tomb by an initiate–an unheard-of breach of the bloodcurdling vows of secrecy the Skull and Bones society demands of its members. That was the question raised again by Deep Skull. There in the bowels of the Skull and Bones Tomb, to the accompaniment of occult male bonding rituals that involved baring their souls and, some say, their bodies, they’d spill their guts to each other, share their sexual histories together … and rob skulls together? You know the roll call: The pajama-clad ninjas were lounging in a place that had been the secret retreat of Presidents such as William Howard Taft and George Bush Supreme Court Justices such as Potter Stewart Secretaries of State such as Henry Stimson diplomatic mandarins such as Averell Harriman and Robert Lovett National Security advisers (and Bay of Pigs planners and Vietnam war architects) such as William and McGeorge Bundy Senators such as Cooper, Chafee, Boren and Kerry, to name just a few publishing magnates with names like Luce and Cowles C.I.A. One bare toe nudging an actual skull.įor strictly journalistic reasons, I was hoping one of these brave women would come forward and supply to me the photos of their successful raid on the crypt of the secret society that has for nearly two centuries shaped the character of the men who shaped the American character. And very fetching pictures they were, one of my favorite being a kind of mock pajama party featuring two of the break-in team in Laura Ashley-like nightclothes and one in men’s pajamas clustered around the base of the Skull and Bones grandfather clock, which featured a skeleton hanging inside the glass pendulum case.

skull and bones bush

Two decades ago, one of the all-girl break-in team’s confederates had shown me the pictures taken inside the Tomb during the break-in. These were the intrepid women who had in the late 70’s slipped illicitly inside the sanctum sanctorum of the blue blood Old Boys network, the forbidding, windowless Egyptian-style crypt on the Yale campus in New Haven which Skull and Bones initiates call “the Tomb.” The new source, whom I’ll call (what else?) “Deep Skull,” came forward in response to my appeal in the pages of The Observer recently (“Inside George W.’s Secret Crypt,” March 27.) I had made a public appeal to the women of the legendary Skull and Bones all-girl break-in team. should be called upon to disclaim or defend. Practices, including those of his own grandfather, candidate George W. All of which paints a picture of a grave-robbing, plate-stealing crime spree of the privileged elite. And the source has added a further allegation: license-plate stealing. A new source has come forward to substantiate a previous allegation involving Bush family patriarch Prescott Bush and to broaden the charge from one skull-snatching to a secret-society-wide Skull and Bones practice. It seems like the grave-robbing allegation just will not die.

Skull and bones bush